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Thank you!

Thank you so much for placing your order and encouraging us to give more & do more.

Please join the Telegram Group as per the topic you have paid for

- Clinical Psychology -

- Counseling Psychology -

We will start with live classes on below dates & meeting details will be shared in the groups.

- Clinical Psychology - 20th June

- Counseling Psychology - 23rd June

If you have any questions or inquiries, please contact through WhatsApp on +917020410671.

Meanwhile check out our other interesting courses and follow us on social media to receive regular updates. We promise to arrange more interesting courses in near future.

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About us

Unlock your true potential and discover new paths to personal and professional growth with The Psychomagic Institute. Our coaching, counseling, and training services cater to both individuals and corporates, providing a wide range of educational, development courses and 1:1 sessions based on various forms of psychology, alternative, occult and parapsychological therapies.

We are proud to offer a diverse selection of e-certification courses, including but not limited to:  

Kinesics, Skills & Ethics in Counseling
Therapeutic Journaling
Colour Therapy
Counselling through Storytelling
Positive Psychology
Cognitive Psychology

Indian Psychology

Health Psychology
Psychology of Loneliness
Effects of Social Media
Grief Therapy
Viktor Frankl's Logo Therapy
MA Psychology - Online classes for 1st Year students


If you're interested in collaborating with us, please reach out to us on WhatsApp at ++917020410671.

We're excited to work with you and take your development journey to new heights.

The Psychomagic Institute
Coaching | Counselling | Training

Catalog link -

For inquiry, contact via below link


I'm always looking for new and exciting opportunities. Let's connect.


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